Three Organizational Benefits On Having A Multi-Cloud Solutions

In recent years, Multi-Cloud Solutions became an increasingly popular approach among organizations.  The question remains whether a Multi-Cloud Approach or a Single-Cloud Vendor is recommended.  While there is no true correct answer to that question past subjective preference, we would like to highlight some strengths of Multi-Cloud solutions.

At the heart of every Cloud Services procurement is a common goal: data security.  As businesses venture into Cloud, the concern with their Cloud vendor’s security remains.  There have been instances in the past where cloud vendors have been hacked and/or organizations have lost access to their data due to a fault in local servers.  As a result organizations have adapted Multi-Cloud strategies.  Multi-cloud solutions offer data redundancy, meaning you can copy your data in multiple platforms.  With your data preserved in multiple platforms, the chances of loss in data has been reduced which prevents potentially major financial repercussions for organizations.

To add on, having a Multi-cloud solutions approach can prevent vendor lock-in.  Oftentimes, when a vendor becomes an organization’s exclusive provider for a given service, it becomes difficult to migrate one’s data into a competitor’s platform.  With a multi-cloud solution configured in your platforms, you can integrate features of a cloud platform such as Microsoft Azure into your experience with Amazon Web Services.  Without the proper Multi-cloud configurations, it will become extremely difficult and time consuming to integrate both platforms and utilize different features of different platforms.

Cost-effectiveness is an added benefit of having a Multi-cloud solutions approach.  If you rely on one sole vendor, it will become difficult to migrate your data to a competitor if their pricing becomes too pricey for your budget.  If you have multiple cloud solutions configured with your organization’s data and security infrastructure, you can navigate among them if one becomes too expensive.  As mentioned before, your data is already copied across multiple platforms, so the reliance on an increasingly expensive sole vendor would be reduced.

To sum it up, it is important to consider a Multi-Cloud solutions approach for your organization to “not have your eggs in one basket.”  You can reduce the likelihood of data loss; avoid exceeding your budget for cloud services; and you can integrate convenient features across different platforms for your team’s use.

What Do You Prefer/Recommend for #CloudComputing ?#Cloud #ITSolutions #DisasterRecovery

— Compulink Technologies (@CompulinkTech) January 9, 2019

 If you would like to learn more about Multi-Cloud Solutions from top vendors, contact us now for more information!