Review and Reaction to Gigaom Report on How Enterprises Can Be Successful with the Public Cloud

Do you use a public cloud? Are you considering using the public cloud for your enterprise? For any business enterprises regardless of size and scope, you should really read this report by Gigaom. The often have helpful information about the world of technology for business and enterprise. So they published a report on how enterprise can be successful with the public cloud. It is very informative and has good details. Very helpful if your business is considering making that move, or uses the public cloud, but not to its full potential.

So they report talks about how enterprises use the public cloud currently, what other ways they can use it, and how the public cloud can bring them success. So a major of respondents use the public cloud for non critical uses or developments. This means they use things like google cloud to manage emails, write non critical documents and reports, and collaborate on more simple task. Business tend to use public clouds in that capacity.  The next large number of respondents us the public cloud for production, while keeping some assets on physical servers. To use a non tech company example, you may be a fashion designer. You would use the public cloud to manage production of a dress. You will keep the supply production information, which outlets your shipping it to, the inventory, and anything in terms of having the dress made and shipped. However, you might keep the design, the hemline, the fabric, colors, and concept work on a physical server. The third largest use from respondents is for development and testing.  So if you design an app, you may have your developers work on a public cloud, then you that to alpha test it. Essentially the app is built than a certain amount of people are invited to test it and give feedback through a public cloud access.

The report goes into why enterprises have not gone all in on the public cloud. It is understandable that the biggest concern is having more control over the public cloud. However; the technology to do that is coming along.

This report provides insight on how to use the public cloud. Public clouds are very cost effective ways to keep your enterprise competitive. Strongly recommend you read it. Click the link down at the bottom.
Gigaom Report: How enterprises can ensure success with the public cloud